Why do I need an agent?

It has never been more confusing to explain why you need an agent. With all the TV/Radio ads urging you to buy direct, plus the confusion that many direct companies also utilize the independent agency force (this includes our agency - Ardent Insurance Inc).

Hopefully, this brief story will help shed some light on the subject.

One of the companies we represent was contacted directly by one of our insureds. Our client made multiple changes on her account. The insurance company in question usually has excellent customer service, however, this time the changes incorrectly changed our clients status (raising her insurance premium). Luckily our agency noticed the rate increase and contacted our client immediately. She explained what had happened and we worked with the company to fix the problem. Now her rates are accurate and everyone was satisfied with the outcome.

The bottom line is, you can go it alone, or you can hire an independent insurance agent like Ardent Insurance to help. Just because your buying insurance direct (either by phone or online), does NOT mean you are paying less. An independent agent has the ability to ensure you are receiving ALL the discounts available to you, thus lowering your insurance costs.

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